So for me, the color blue not just represents Rockhurst but also how my experience here has allowed me to grow intellectually and spiritually. The term Corazon reminds me that this is where my heart is. It is here at Rockhurst; here in Kansas City.
I would like to invite you to follow my blog as I talk about current events in my life like taking the LSAT and finishing my senior capstone for Spanish or even as I try to remember where the last four years have gone.
I am thrilled to be able to share my story with you in the hopes that it will help you imagine the person and the leader that you could be in four years.
Maybe you too will find yourself one semester away from graduating, president of your favorite on-campus organization and two weeks into a job that is on track with your career goals. :)
I'll leave you with a picture of the Sporting KC game the Student Organization of Latinos went to this past Wednesday. It was a very high-energy game and we were thrilled to watch out home team win 2-1. I'll explain more about our organization in my next post. Adios!!
Photo Credit: Hero Balani