Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spring is coming around!

Rockhurst is once again covered in beautiful blooming tulips. The trees are beginning to look green and the squirrels are beginning to roam the campus again! Hopefully we have seen the last bit of cold weather because I am definitely ready to ditch my coats for my colorful cardigans.

This past weekend my family took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed down to Loose Park, just past the plaza, and held a nice picnic. It is a park that many Rockhurst students visit because it is so close to campus and it is a beautiful and safe place for a run. The park includes a picnic area, small lake and even a tree-climbing area. Below are actually two pictures from a trip a group of friends made to Loose Park a while back. In the first, I can be seen bravely climbing an obviously dangerously tall tree (clearly!) and in the second, playing frisbee with a friend.

This time my family invited a few friends and shared a delicious meal together. My dad grilled carne asada and burgers while my mother whipped up some fresh guacamole and nopales. Of course the traditional Mexican meal wouldn't have been complete without the beans and rice to complement the perfectly seasoned tacos. Regardless of how much food I ate, I had to make room for dessert! There was no way I was going to be able to pass up the fruit kabobs and tres leches cake that my friends brought over. 

After eating, many of us sat down to talk, other kicked a soccer ball around, and then all got together to play an incredibly amusing game of "Ninja." For those of you unfamiliar with the game, the object of the game is to not get slapped on the hands by the person next to you. 

Cindy (in yellow) can be seen laughing because she just missed my sister's (in black) move. 

Each person takes turns making "ninja moves" and can either go after the person to the left or the right. The object is to get either person next to you out of the game by slapping their hands, however, you must stay in the position you are in until it is your next turn. 

We had an incredible time, though I'm not surprised! There are so many things to do around campus that it's nearly impossible to be bored. 

See you next week!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My last SOL event...

The cap and gown that hang from a corner in my room, are signs of the happy, but sad reality that graduation is just a few weeks away. I am beginning to experience a lot of "last" experiences at Rockhurst. For example, I've filled out teacher evaluations for the last time and last week I was relieved to realize that I had registered for classes for the last time as well. 

However, the most important "last" experience was attending my last organized SOL event as a Rockhurst student. On Monday, SOL screened the Oscar Award-Winning film called "Inocente," about a young homeless and undocumented girl from California that aspires to be an artist through her vibrantly colored and animated paintings. A discussion of the problem immigrants face due to a broken immigration system followed the film that had been viewed by more than 40 students and community members. 

 A picture from my seat of people watching the film

It was a very touching film and I'm sure that I wasn't the only one that was moved to tears by Inocente's story and her bravery to confront her struggles. One lucky student even walked away with a print of one of her art pieces. 
Ahmad Maaz presenting our winner with her prize!

As the event came to an end, I was assured of the success that SOL will be able to achieve in the next few years and I am incredibly happy that this organization will continue to offer a place where Latino and Spanish-Culture loving students will be able to come together to celebrate the Latino culture. In addition, I am happy to see that as a Jesuit university we are socially conscious of the problems our community is facing. 

Best of luck to the next generation of SOL members!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The things that I will remember...

This past week, the Student Organization of Latinos officially bought airplane tickets and booked our hotel rooms for the National Council of La Raza Conference in July.

Five SOL members, including myself, will be traveling to New Orleans to attend the three day conference which is supposed to be the largest gathering for Latinos in the United States. We will be able to attend workshops on health, education, business, leadership and many other topics.

In addition, we are excited because in the past, the key note speaker at the gala has been President Barrack Obama. Below is a video in case you would like to learn more about the conference:


This has all been possible because SOL has worked very hard over the last two years to raise near $3,000 to help cover the expenses of traveling to the conference. After many fundraisers and receiving donations from community members, we were able to reach our goal. Just this past week, we spent three nights filling orders for our annual burrito sales. Luckily, Rockhurst students and staff have grown to love Latino foods and they ordered over 60 dozens! Below is a picture of me actualy trying to teach the guys how to make vegetarian burritos.

Our small group has worked extremely hard to make this year a success. Last year we were nominated for the Outstanding Support for Diversity and unfortunately lost. However, this year we have been nominated for a new award. For the first time since I have been here, SOL has been nominated for the Outstanding Student Group Award!
It has been both a great honor and and blessing to have served as president of SOL for the last two years. I have learned so much about organizing and being a leader. I strongly encourage everyone to become involved in some kind of leadership position while they are in college. The lessons you learn and the friendships you make will stay with you forever.
Until next week!